Saturday, October 27, 2007

phone billing plan


controlled usage-this is good if you really dont have the right attitude to control your usage because once you run out of credit..well you cant use it...

if your budget is not that flexible this is applicable.

post paid (plan)

freebies- free extra phone..
no credit reloading hassle--> no need to worry about getting out of credit in case of emergency.

well i tried both of them...
during my first years in using mobile phone...i was on pre-paid.....if its hard to buy a mobile phone well same thing as you maintain it...cuz im only a poor student.
now im still a student but i got promoted and im using post-paid now..i prefer it because it works for me....

all i can say is that it depends on what will work on you...try and experience it..
but i recommend post paid.:)